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Editorial: We've seen enough. It's time for Iowa to legalize marijuana.

But a multi-step approach is not necessary. Iowa can be more like Colorado, or Illinois, and the sky will not fall.

The Register's editorial
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TO READERS: This editorial has been updated to reflect a correction: An earlier version of the editorial included outdated information about Iowa’s medical cannabidiol program. The limit on THC content in products was lifted in 2020.

Iowa, or at least its policymakers, has been resolutely reticent to join the bandwagon of states and countries permitting medical and then recreational marijuana use.

Relative to even other states where recreational use remains illegal, our medical cannabidiol program can be used only in narrow circumstances, and participation requires a lot of paperwork. Proposals to change state law or change local priorities die quick deaths.

Arguments for the status quo have merit, and this board has counseled caution previously, but it's time to act. We've long known about injustices in the practice of enforcing marijuana laws. And now we've seen the manageable experiences of more aggressive jurisdictions. 

Iowa should swiftly permit wider medicinal and recreational use — with reasonable restrictions such as barring purchase and use by minors.

Recent reporting by Reader's Watchdog Lee Rood illustrates how dated the current system can be. An Illinois shop director just across the Mississippi River told Rood that his frequent Iowa visitors include a number of older adults seeking relief from medical problems. 

“Some want to buy it here and try it before they go through the hassle of trying to get it in Iowa,” said Jeff Soenksen of The Dispensary in East Dubuque.

Public opinion has moved quickly, here and nationally. Washington and Colorado made the first moves in 2012. In 2014, 70% of Iowans opposed legal recreational use. Less than a decade later, nearly 20 states have some legal pot, and a majority of Iowans are OK with it, too.

More:Zero-tolerance marijuana law means Iowans can get an OWI without being impaired. Is that law fair?

And Iowans' actions back up poll respondents' answers: Many of Iowa's "marijuana tourists" invest time and money in travel from central Iowa, not just from border areas, to states with more relaxed policies. Former Republican Congressman Greg Ganske advocates for legalization in these pages today.

Iowans and their local and state elected officials should pressure Congress to relax federal law on marijuana. But just as other states have shown, there's plenty Iowa can do on its own to make marijuana laws fairer and more sensible.

The criminal justice system disproportionately punishes Black Iowans more than others for marijuana. This has been established over and over. It was an impetus for Des Moines' failed effort last year to make enforcement the lowest priority for the police. This entrenched problem is enough independently to prompt serious consideration of a different approach to addressing dangers posed by drug use. It's more than enough to tip the scales in light of other developments. 

State lawmakers have cited reasonable concerns about impaired driving. But states that allow widespread use have hardly experienced a catastrophe on the roads, and advocacy and criminal laws have long been considered the appropriate course for discouraging drunken driving.

Speaking of criminal laws (and absurdities): If lawmakers can't bring themselves to immediately rip off the Band-Aid on pot prohibition, they ought to at least revise the law that allows a conviction for impaired driving if any evidence of marijuana is found in a driver's body. It might have been consumed days or weeks earlier. The driver might not have been impaired. Neither is a defense. That has to change.

More:More states are poised to embrace legal marijuana sales by 2025 — but not Iowa

So does the medical marijuana program, as we've said for years. About 5,000 Iowans are enrolled and able to travel to one of five dispensaries to get cannabidiol to treat one of 14 mostly strictly defined ailments. All of those numbers are too small. Once again, if lawmakers insist on an intermediate step before decriminalization or legalization, then they should work with the Iowa Medical Cannabidiol Board to make the program more useful to more Iowans. 

But a multi-step approach is not necessary. Iowa can be more like Colorado, or Illinois, and the sky will not fall. Instead, more Iowans could have an easier time getting therapeutic pain treatment. Police could have more time for other work and one fewer excuse for unnecessary traffic stops and arrests. And state leaders would show that they can respond to evidence and public opinion on a complicated issue and move the state in the right direction.

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