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Opinion: Iowa judges haven't made the case for a pay raise

The judicial branch's justification for a raise isn’t based on the work judges do. Instead, their budget message to the Legislature raises four points about other people.

Bob Teig
Guest columnist
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To readers: This guest essay has been updated to reflect a correction: The March 21 guest essay "Iowa judges don't have a case for a raise" misstated the number of times Iowa voters have removed judges and justices from office. It has happened once in the past 25 years.

WARNING: The following contains lots of numbers, and they’re important. Please stick with me.

It’s almost spring, and, like every spring, you can rely on robins to return, flowers to bloom, and Iowa judges to ask for a pay raise. They may deserve a raise, but have they made their case?

District court judges are paid $150,444 a year before fringe benefits. They can buy family health insurance for $180 a month; they get 11 paid holidays, paid sick leave, and up to five weeks of paid vacation a year; and they can retire with a guaranteed pension as high as 65% of their salary. Since 2014, they’ve had three raises totaling $12,700, and they make more money than 75% of all Iowa lawyers.

The courts have asked for a 3% raise because the number of applicants for open positions is dropping. They “believe non-competitive compensation to be a primary factor in the decline.” This has been their argument since at least 2014 when they said the quantity and quality of applicants was dropping.   

The judicial branch's justification for a raise isn’t based on the work judges do. Instead, their budget message to the Legislature raises four points about other people.

There are fewer applicants to fill vacancies. We don’t know if this has anything to do with salary. It could be that more people like what they’re doing and don’t want to be a judge. It could be that unqualified attorneys decided they couldn’t make it through the selection process and quit applying.  

Is there any obvious connection between the number of applicants and the quality of judges? Judges are selected through merit panels that send the governor the names of two qualified candidates. As long as at least two applicants are qualified, does it matter whether there are seven or 70?

There are fewer private practice applicants. Again, we aren’t told why there has been a decline or why this even matters. There are five federal district court judges in Iowa, and only one of them was in private practice when they became a judge. Are the other four unqualified? And the percentage of private practice applicants has been relatively constant. In 2009, 75% of applicants were from private practice, and in 2020 it was 67%.

Judges make less than the University of Iowa Law School dean; Des Moines city attorney; Iowa Law School professors; and Polk, Linn, and Johnson county attorneys.  The glib response would be, “Go get one of those jobs.” The correct response is those are comparisons of peaches and pomegranates.

What someone else makes has little meaning in determining whether salary impacts judicial quality. A district court judge makes $75,000 more than the typical county attorney. They make $20,444 more than the governor and $26,775 more than the Iowa attorney general. Salary has not stopped qualified people from applying for these public service jobs.

Beyond salary, judges have job security no one else has. If they get a case wrong, they get appealed, not fired. If you show up 20 minutes late for an important meeting, everyone waits and you have some explaining to do.  When  a judge walks into a hearing 20 minutes late sipping a cup of coffee, everyone … just … waits. 

And judges keep their jobs unless voters turn them out. In the past 25 years, that’s happened once. In 2010, three Iowa Supreme Court justices lost their jobs because they upheld the constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

Judges have a better chance of being fired for doing their jobs right than for doing them wrong.

Judges have lost real-wage income based on inflation while other Iowans have gained. Whenever numbers get crunched, the phrase “lies, damn lies, and statistics” springs to mind.

The courts say that, in the past 10 years, judges’ salaries have gone down 7% when adjusted for inflation. They compare this with household income in Iowa, which has gone up 10%. Again, peanuts to potatoes.

A broader sample starting in 2000 shows a district court judge’s salary adjusted for inflation has gone up 0.8%, not down. In the same 20 years, household income has gone up only 2.9%. Those increases are within $500 of each other.

Is it the best idea to compare judges’ salaries with household income? Household income includes earnings of all family members. In 2019, that was $61,807 compared to a judge’s $150,444 salary. Since 2000, income for an entire household has gone up $21,000. A judge’s individual salary has gone up over $50,000.

And equating salary with quality is risky. The court’s argument seems to be that better salaries means better applicants, and better applicants means better judges. What does that say about the judges we have now?

Good judges are not there for what they get paid. They are there because they believe in public service. They deserve a fair salary, and there must be good reasons for a raise.

Most workers ask for a raise because of the work they do, but the courts are asking for a raise because of the work others do. Have judges’ caseloads gone up? Are the cases harder? Are judges working nights and weekends to keep up?

When I was 12, my neighbor Dean got a brand-new Schwinn Stingray with a banana seat, gooseneck handlebars, and a V-rroom Hot Rodder Engine. I ran home excited and told my folks, “Dean got a new bike that’s better than mine. I need a new bike, too.” You can guess how that worked out. I didn’t make a very good case for another bike. 

Have the courts done any better for another raise?

You be the judge. 

Bob Teig

Bob Teig was a career federal prosecutor in Cedar Rapids for 32 years before he retired in 2011.

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