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Re-electing state Sen. Brad Zaun would endanger women's rights regarding their bodies. Just listen to him.

Rhonda Martin and Brad Zaun are competing for an Iowa Senate seat. If re-elected, Brad Zaun says he'll push for an amendment saying abortion rights aren't protected by the Iowa Constitution.

Rekha Basu
Des Moines Register
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TO READERS: This column has been updated to reflect a correction: The Oct. 21 column "Re-electing state Sen. Brad Zaun would endanger women's rights regarding their bodies. Just listen to him." and a headline inaccurately described state Sen. Brad Zaun's comments about a potential constitutional amendment. Iowa legislative Republicans have previously supported an amendment declaring that the Iowa Constitution does not recognize a right to abortion. On tape Zaun was vague about what his proposed amendment would say, and he declined an interview request later to describe his positions.

Women in Iowa joined others in D.C. and around the country in holding marches last Saturday to sound the alarm on how Senate confirmation of Donald Trump's latest Supreme Court nominee would endanger women's reproductive rights.

As a law professor, Judge Amy Coney Barrett signed an ad objecting to the 1973 Supreme Court ruling recognizing a right to abortion. "It's time to put an end to the barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade," the ad said. During Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Barrett said Roe doesn't rank among rulings she has called "super-precedents" which are so settled that no one would seriously push for overruling them. She refused to say whether she believes Roe was correctly decided.

For the nation's top court to reconsider abortion rights, a challenge would have to come from one of the states. And the way Iowa's Republican-dominated Legislature has been working to erode those rights here, it could easily be ours.

Proudest of 'protecting the unborn'

One Republican state senator, a 15-year incumbent who claims responsibility for writing some of the most restrictive abortion laws, is in a re-election bid. That's Brad Zaun, from Senate District 20, which includes Johnston and parts of Urbandale and Grimes. He recently told an evangelical Christian group that his next top priority would be amending the state constitution to explicitly say it does not recognize abortion rights.

The race for Iowa State Senate District 20: Republican incumbent State Sen. Brad Zaun and Democrat Rhonda Martin.

Zaun, who declined to speak to me for this piece, is unlikely to put that priority in his general campaign literature. He didn't mention when asked about his top issue for a recent Register piece comparing him and Democratic challenger Rhonda Martin, who says her priorities are supporting public education, the environment and affordable health care. Instead he mentions cutting taxes, spending and regulations to support businesses. But in a web interview with the Family Leader's Chuck Hurley earlier this month, Zaun said his proudest accomplishment and future goal is "protecting the unborn."

"That’s my number one priority. I was very proud of the role that I had in regards to the heartbeat legislation that we passed with the help of the Family Leader and so many different Iowans, and defunding Planned Parenthood, which was a big deal," he said. 

The heartbeat bill, signed into law by Gov. Kim Reynolds in 2018, made abortions illegal as soon as a fetal heartbeat could be detected, which can be as early as six to seven weeks. The law was overturned in court, but abortion opponents around the country hope a new conservative Supreme Court majority would uphold similar laws and overturn Roe v. Wade. 

Zaun expressed hope that the Iowa Supreme Court, with its new conservative majority, would look more kindly on such restrictions in Iowa. Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds in 2019 changed the bipartisan way justices used to be appointed. She gave herself the majority of the appointments to the 17-member state judicial nominating commission when she signed legislation that increased the governor's influence. The previous setup gave the governor eight appointments and allowed Iowa's lawyers to elect eight others (a sitting justice was the 17th).

Tears of joy, tears of sorrow

Talking to the Family Leader about the heartbeat bill, Zaun referred to the "emotional night" of its Senate passage a couple of years ago, saying, "It was the one night that opened my eyes and I actually had tears run down my eyes when I pushed the yes button. And of course we know that it went over to the House and was signed by the governor and unfortunately the courts overturned it. … Real proud that that became something that just kind of swept the nation, and it started in Iowa."

Reading Zaun's words which attributed his decision to re-file a different 2018 bill (requiring a waiting period before abortions) to the court's new conservative composition nearly brought tears to Marsha Ternus' eyes. "That just about makes me want to cry,” said Ternus, the former Iowa Supreme Court chief justice, on a videotaped Zoom meeting for contributors and volunteers for Martin, the Democratic candidate.

"The 72-hour waiting period was declared unconstitutional, yet Brad Zaun turns around and pushes for the same waiting period just two years later," said Ternus in the video shared by the Martin campaign. "Basically he's saying, 'We've put our own people on the court now and they're going to decide this a different way. … There is bedrock principle of the law which is called stare decisis, which means once something is decided, it’s decided."

In addition to the waiting period, Zaun's 2020 bill, Senate File 2215, would have required a woman seeking abortion to be given an ultrasound by a technician, and be offered a look at the fetus and a chance to hear the heartbeat. Women seeking medical care after miscarriages could be subjected to the same wait. 

If re-elected, Zaun told Hurley, his "unfinished business" includes getting a constitutional amendment on abortion rights. "Our courts have changed somewhat … so I think that the environment is really very ripe for some pro-life legislation," he said. "The constitutional amendment will be a number one priority for myself, and if it goes through the Judiciary Committee, of which I’m chair, I’ll make sure that that gets done."

Republicans seek to impose their beliefs on everyone

Certainly there are those who believe strongly that life begins at conception, and that view deserves respect. But that should be each woman's choice to make based on her own beliefs and situation.

Not only do Iowa lawmakers under Republican leadership wrongly try to impose their beliefs on everyone, they unfairly place responsibility for preventing unplanned pregnancies entirely on women. A tweet making the rounds this week suggested a way for men to share that burden. 

"Stop abortions at the source," it says. "Vasectomies are reversible. Make every young man have one. When he's deemed financially and emotionally fit to be a father it will be reversed. What's that? Did the idea of regulating a man's body make you uncomfortable? Then mind your (expletive) business."

And if you live in District 20, vote for Rhonda Martin, who respects women's rights.

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